Lemon Tree Fool's Garden
I'm sitting here in a boring room. It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon. I'm wasting my time, I got nothing to do. I'm hanging around, I'm waiting for you. But nothing ever happens, and I wonder.
I'm driving around in my car. I'm driving too fast, I'm driving too far. I'd like to change my point of view. I felt so lonely, I'm waiting for you. But nothing ever happens, and I wonder.
I wonder how, I wonder why. Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky. And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree. I'm turning my head up and down. I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around. And all that I can see is just another yellow lemon tree.
I'm sitting here, and I miss the power. I'd like to go out taking a shower. But there's a heavy cloud inside my mind. I feel so tired, and put myself into bed. Where nothing ever happens, and I wonder.
I'm stepping around in a desert of joy. Baby, anyhow I get another toy. And everything will happen, and you wonder.
And all that I can see is just another lemon tree. And all that I can see, and all that I can see, And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.
“傻子的花园”成立于1992年,由德国的五个小伙子组成,其音乐风格朴实平淡。1996年以一曲《柠檬树》走红全球。 那5个德国男孩大概没有想到《柠檬树》会被译成中文飘荡在中国的大街小巷;也没有想到这首简单的歌可以横扫德国电台,受到交口称赞。无法具体形容“傻子的花园”到底好在哪里。他们唱成长的烦恼和秋天的落叶;唱青春的跃动和初恋的甜蜜;唱阳光灿烂的好日子,也唱阴雨绵绵的郁闷期,司空见惯的事物在歌声里也变得神奇。平凡也是一种美,淡然中也可以找到真纯。进行着校园的神秘恋情,却让我们都不由自主地投入其中,让这融为自己的情绪,沉浸在字里行间流动的真实与温情。整首歌给人一种淡淡地欢快,什么都不用想,什么都不想做,只想坐在阳光里有一搭没一搭地听这首歌。原来无聊中也有某些有聊的东西。是什么呢?相信你听了这首歌就会知道了……