听歌学英语: 再次见面 See You Again(在线收听

I got my sight set on you(我的视线已将你锁定)
And I'm ready to wait(我已经做好等待的准备)
I have a heart that will(我有一颗心)
Will never be tamed(一颗永远不会被驯服的心)
I knew you were somethin' special(但我知道你却是特别的)
When you spoke my name(当你说出我名字的瞬间)
Now I can't wait (现在的我已经迫不及待)
To see you again(想要再次见到你)

I've got a way of knowin'(我有办法知道)
When somethin' is right (什么时候感觉是对路的)
I feel like I must have known you(觉得一定是认识你的)
In another life(不知在哪一辈子)
'Cause I felt this deep connection(强烈的感应)
When you looked in my eyes(can't wait)(在你凝视我双眼的时候出现。迫不及待)
Now I can't wait (现在的我已经迫不及待)
To see you again(想要再次见到你)

The last time I freaked out(上次我紧张到不行)
I just kept lookin' down(一直低着头)
I st-st-stuttered(我结巴了)
when you asked me what I'm thinkin' bout(当你问我在出什么神)
Felt like I couldn't breathe(仿佛要窒息)
You asked what's wrong with me(你问我是怎么了)
My best friend Leslie said(我闺蜜Leslie说:)
"Oh, She's just bein' Miley"(Miley是这样子的)
And next time we hang out (下次我们再见面)
I will redeem myself(我要为自己挣回面子)
My heart can't rest 'til then(我的心无法平静直到那个时刻的到来)
Whoa, whoa,I(喔~喔~我)
Now I can't wait (现在的我已经迫不及待)
To see you again(想要再次见到你)

I got this crazy feelin'(快要发疯的感觉)
Deep inside(在我内心的深处)
When you called and asked to see me(当你打电话约我)
Tomorrow night(约我明晚见面)
I'm not a mind reader(我尽管我不会读心术)
But I'm readin' the signs(bet you can't wait)(但我打赌看到了你期待的讯息)
Bet you can't wait(赌你一样迫不及待)
To see me again(想要再见我一面)

The last time I freaked out(上次我紧张到不行)
I just kept lookin' down(一直低着头)
I st-st-stuttered(我结巴了)
when you asked me what I'm thinkin' bout(当你问我在出什么神)
Felt like I couldn't breathe(仿佛要窒息)
You asked what's wrong with me(你问我是怎么了)
My best friend Leslie said(我闺蜜Leslie说:)
"Oh, She's just bein' Miley"(Miley是这样子的)
And next time we hang out (下次我们再见面)
I will redeem myself(我要为自己挣回面子)
My heart can't rest 'til then(我的心无法平静直到那个时刻的到来)
Whoa, whoa,I(喔~喔~我)
Now I can't wait (现在的我已经迫不及待)
To see you again(想要再次见到你)

I got my sight set on you(我的视线已将你锁定)
And I'm ready to wait(我已经做好等待的准备)

The last time I freaked out(上次我紧张到不行)
I just kept lookin' down(一直低着头)
I st-st-stuttered(我结巴了)
when you asked me what I'm thinkin' bout(当你问我在出什么神)
Felt like I couldn't breathe(仿佛要窒息)
You asked what's wrong with me(你问我是怎么了)
My best friend Leslie said(我闺蜜Leslie说:)
"Oh, She's just bein' Miley"(Miley是这样子的)
And next time we hang out (下次我们再见面)
I will redeem myself(我要为自己挣回面子)
My heart can't rest 'til then(我的心无法平静直到那个时刻的到来)
Whoa, whoa,I(喔~喔~我)
Now I can't wait (现在的我已经迫不及待)
To see you again(想要再次见到你)

I got my sight set on you(我的视线已将你锁定)(第一次见面的时候,就已经喜欢上了对方)
get something done:使得某事完成
sight,n视力;景象;眼界;见解 ;
Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见心不烦!!!
love at first sight一见钟情
Tom met Mary at a party, and they fell in love at first sight. 汤姆在一次聚会上遇到玛丽, 两人一见钟情。

I have a heart that will never be tamed我有一颗桀骜不驯的心

that引导的是一个定语从句,修饰前面的宾语heart,主句是,I have a heart,我有一颗心,一颗什么样的心呢?that will never be tamed,永远不会被驯服的心。这句话里面的tame,可做v和adj,‘驯服的;顺从的;听话的;驯服,制服’
A wild goose never laid a tame egg. 强将手下无弱兵。

I've got a way of knowin'when somethin' is right.(我有办法知道,什么时候感觉是对路的)(肯定这次应该是遇到对的人了)
got a way of=have a way of 有办法做某事
You really got a way.你还真是有办法!

I feel like I must have known you in another life.我一定是在哪辈子见过你。
feel like:感觉像是…
must:一定;肯定,后面接的是虚拟语气。表示对过去某事的肯定猜测must have done,译为:过去肯定做了某事。another,是‘另一个’的意思,in another life,意思就是‘另一辈子;不知道是哪辈子'

Cause I felt this deep connection when you looked in my eyes你凝视我双眼的时候,我有一种强烈的感应。
I have several connections at that firm. And perhaps I can got you a job interview.我在那个公司有些熟人,也许我可以给你安排一次面试。
I don't know or have connections with the Ministry of Culture.我对文化部一无所知,也没有什么人脉关系。
If you really want that job, I have some connections and can pull strings for you.如果你真想要那个工作的话,我有些关系,可以帮你牵牵线。

The last time I freaked out.I just kept lookin' down. I st-st-stuttered when you asked me what I'm thinkin' bout上次我紧张到不行;一直低头看脚。你问我在想什么的时候,我结结巴巴说不出话来。
freak out:非常紧张;非常害怕;崩溃
If I fail this test, my parents are going to freak out!如果这次考砸了,我父母又要抓狂了!
Don't freak out. It's not the end of the world.别害怕,还没到世界末日呢。
stutter:n,v 口吃;结巴
I always stutter when I get nervous.当我感到紧张时,我说话总是结巴。

My best friend Leslie said "Oh, She's just bein' Miley"(我闺蜜Leslie说:Miley是这样子的)
Leslie解释道,Miley就是这样的啦。这里要讲一下 be的进行时态being,来看句型:
You are being unreasonable.你太不可理喻了。
You are being difficult.你这不是在故意难为人吗?
I was just being polite.我只是在说客套话啦(我只是出于礼貌啦)。

And next time we hang out I will redeem myself下次一起玩儿的时候,我一定要改变我的形象
hang out:闲逛;玩耍
Could I hang out with you for a while?我能和你待一会吗?
I am not going to hang out with him anymore because he is sleazy.因为他人品不佳,所以我再也不跟他出去了。
I don't wanna hang out with her. She's such a drag.我不想和她一起玩,她这人很无聊。
The excellent acting wasn't enough to redeem a weak plot.精彩的表演不足以掩盖情节的拙劣。

I'm not a mind reader(我不会读心术)
mind reader:会看透思想的人;读心者
You don't have to be a mind reader to know she's hiding something你就算不是个读心者也该知道她在隐瞒什么。
Can you read my mind?你知道我现在在想什么吗?
