
  近几日北京持续被浓重雾霾(fog and haze)笼罩,市场上防尘口罩(anti-dust mask)和空气净化器(air purifier)的销量剧增。部分地区的空气质量指数(air quality index, AQI)可能达到极重污染水平,北京多地PM2.5(particulate matter)浓度“爆表”。本文新东方网托福小编为大家搜集整理关于PM2.5是什么意思的相关知识,希望对大家积累托福阅读背景知识有所帮助。

  Longtime exposure to particulate matter especially the particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) which can go directly to the alveoli of the lungs, is a major health hazard.
  文中的PM2.5就是指“可入肺颗粒物”,PM的英文全称为particulate matter(微粒物、悬浮微粒),PM2.5就是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物,可直接进入人体的alveoli of the lungs(肺泡),也称为“可入肺颗粒物”,它的直径还不到人头发丝粗细的1/20。PM2.5主要来自vehicle exhaust(机动车尾气尘)、燃油尘、硫酸盐、餐饮油烟尘、建筑水泥尘、煤烟尘和硝酸盐等。
  PM2.5粒径小,这种fine particles(细微颗粒)富含大量的toxic and harmful substance(有毒、有害物质)且在大气中的停留时间长、输送距离远,因而对人体健康和大气环境质量的影响更大。今后,使用PM2.5 measurement(PM2.5标准)进行air quality monitoring(空气质量监测)正成为全球趋势。
  China’s environmental authorities are to implement new air quality standards which will now measure some of the smallest and most damaging particles in the air. In many cities, the public are being consulted over the introduction of the new standards ,which will find out just how clean the air really is.
  Smog in Beijing. Smog in Shanghai. Smog in Hangzhou - During recent months, dense pollution has frequently blanketed many cities in China. Sometimes visibility drops to less than 1 kilometer, causing serious traffic jams, flight delays and highway closures.
  It has also raised public awareness of the issue. Ma Jun has been conducting environmental research since the mid 1990s and in 2006, he founded his own NGO in Beijing.
  The Ministry of Environmental Protection’s newly published air quality standard includes monitoring of PM2.5 - a kind of air particle with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less. These particulates are small enough to penetrate human lung tissue, causing severe health problems. The revised standard is now open for public input and will take effect from 2016.
  Responding to the new air quality standard, several cities, including Shanghai and Nanjing, announced that they are preparing pilot programs that will start to monitor and publish PM 2.5 levels soon. Experts believe that the monitoring results in some cities might not initially meet international standards.
  Stricter air standards will reveal more environmental hazards and raise public awareness, which should certainly help the government’s aim of providing cleaner, healthier air.