商业英语音频 29(在线收听

Considering your experience in the field, you are qualified as our agent. We decided to intrust you with the sole agency for computers.Tkank you for your proposal of acting as our agent.We keep a stock in Beijing in acting as distributive as well in agency. We can play an important role in your overseas trade.If we come to the terms , we will appoint you as the our agent. Please get in touch with our agency if you require. We have to describe you acting as a sloe agentcy. As a buying agenct, we can take good care of your import business. I think it’s too early for us to discuss the questions of agency. We can hardly appoint you as a sole agent without the increased sales. Two years ago, we made them our sole sgents. When opportunity matures, we will  appoint you as our exclusive agenct for the USA. We’ll consider appointing you as the sole agency for our products. I am apllied for the sole agency of your product. How can we appoint you as a sole agent with such a small quantity. I propose to be an sole agency for your sold products. We are preparing to take it into consideration that you will be our sole agency. We should be interested in  acting as your sole agent. We will sign the sole agency agreement. Here is the join-up agency agreement. The agency agreement was made out of great care. I hope we can see eye to eye about the agency problem. We wonder whether we may conclude a long-term agency contract with you. I want to sign a sole agency agreement with you. We will spend no efforts to promote the sale of our products so as to be a good agency. We can continue the agreement of an agency. Our agency agreement calls for a long time. I come again to prolong a sole agency to three years.