CNN 美国有线新闻 2014-10-10(在线收听

 Thank you for taking 10 minutes for commerical free current events, I'm Carl Azuz.

First up, jobs in the US, the governmenr's monthly unemployment report came out last Friday, it's significant for a couple of reasons, it's one indication of how the US economy is doing, two it's the final government jobs report before November's mid-term election, that's when Americans vote on all seats of the US house representatives, and the 3rd of those in the US Senate, and the recent CNN ORC report found the economy is the biggest issue on the balance, democracts and the presentors are generally celebrating the report, republicans are generally saying it's not good eenough, will it matter in the mid-terms?
With skipping the gloom and doom in Washington, president Obama towed a steel plate in Indiana to shine a light on the revial of US economy. 
Progress that we've been making is been hard, it goes, andfits, and starts, it's not always been perfectly smooth or as fast as want, but it is real, and it is steady, and it is happening. 
The numbers are encouraging, 248,000 jobs created in Sep., and the unemployment rated 5.9%, the lowest level since July 2008, president thanked workers, then patted himself on the back. 
It's also got a lot to do with some decisions we made pretty earlier on in my administration.
But the president isn't getting much credit before the lastest jobs report only 42% of Americans said they approved Mr. Obama's handlng of the economy.
We have undeniable unfinished business, that's why no one is spiking any footballs here at the labor department of the White House because there are still too many that need work.
Republicans argue that's because government regulations are holding back job growth.
We need to start growing American's economy, Washington's economy so that working in America see better wages and more opportunity.
Queue the mid-term elections, a little more than a month away, the president wants voters to approve his economic plan which includes raising the minimum wage and passing imigration reform by keeping democrats in control of the S. 
I'm not on the balance of this fault, but make normal mistake, these policies are on the balance.
One reason why Americans aren't feeling the recovery yet is wages, America take&own pay is only up mere 2% over the last 12 months, and until that number changes, president Obama may not get the credit he wants for improving US economy.