英文影视歌曲:深情吟唱I Will Always Return《小马精灵》插曲(在线收听

《小马精灵》是擅长电影打造主题曲的布莱恩·亚当斯暌违流行乐坛多年后最新力作,与金奖配乐大师汉斯·季默等人联手谱写的八首全新创作单曲,透过他沙哑粗犷、 透力与情绪渲染力十足的嗓音诠释,不论是豪迈自信的“Here I Am”、充满对家乡渴望的抒情曲“I Will Always Return”、充满对家刚毅顽强的“Get Off My Back”、或是两届葛莱美奖流行歌后Sarah McLachlan特地贡献温润柔美歌声,与Bryan Adam深情对唱的“Don't Let Go”,——生动唱出了小马王的心声、为片中主角抒发了最真挚的情感,更给电影增添了无限!

I Will Always Return

I hear the wind call your name

It calls me back home again

It sparks up the fire-a flame that still burns

Oh it’s to you I’ll always return

I still feel your breath on my skin

I hear your voice deep within

The sound of my lover-a feeling so strong

It’s to you -I’ll always belong

Now I know it’s true

My every road leads to you

And in the hour of darkness darlin’

Your light getsme thought

Wanna swim in your river-be warmed by your sun

Bathe in your waters-cuz you are the one

I can’t stand the distance-I can’t dream alone

I can’t wait to see you-Ya I’m on my way home

Oh I hear the wind call your name

The sound that leads me home again

It sparks up the fire-a flame that still burns

It’s to you I’ll always return
