英文影视歌曲:"The Ludlows暮霭与迷雾"-《燃情岁月》插曲(在线收听

配乐大师James Horner詹姆斯·霍纳最无懈可击的作品,legends of the fall的主题曲The Ludlows,感觉每一个音符都美得不像话~

据说The Ludlows是一种无名的小花,甚至在英文字典中也很难查到这个词。这首曲子实在是太经典,以致于在很多电影电视剧里都能听到,很多电视台也经常引用作为配乐!

The Ludlows

As evening fell a maiden stood

As the edge of a wood

In her hands lay the reins of a stallion

And n'er I'd seen

A girl as fair

Heard a gentler voice anywhere

Whispered, alas

She belonged

Belonged to another

Another, forever

Yes, she belonged to

The twilight and mist.
