美国有线新闻 CNN 2015-01-24(在线收听

 “Do theRepublicans wanna risk here? They just wanna win the election. They wannaconvincing with thirty-one governors, majority in the senate, a big majoritythey have. They say they wanna against this, they wanna against the government.They wanna against Washington telling States what to do. 

Yes, thePresident’s poll numbers, your poll, Washington poll, ABC poll, up around 50%right now. Back to 50%, Democratic probably be saying, why? Genuinely, whydidn’t this come over last October?
But he isup around 50%. People feel better about the direction of the country. Let’slook at the right track and wrong track here. Look at this drop in wrong track,just from 2013 to 2015 here. People, the majorities still feel on the wrongtrack, but way down all of a sudden. For the president in stronger standing, doRepublican feel any risk and saying “NO, NO, NO”? ”
“Absolutelythey do. Because they’ve got to prove to the American public over the next year—just as he’strying to set his agenda for his party to have the election. They get to set anagenda and demonstrate competence and ability to govern, to sort of, as Mitch Connellsaid, “to make it less scary to have Republican president and Republican Congress.And so as he continues to introduce these things they are not going to agreewith, as he continues threatening details on things as they are moving throughthe capital of their time, they become real challenge, because they are goingto have to somehow, at some point, come up with something, and it’s not likelyto get it discussed tonight. They are gonna have to, you know, appear to atleast just give it a moment and then go back to the xxx and trying to come upwith something. ”
“And, youknow, you’ve already seen some of the focus that H. are running in 2016 on theRepublican side talking about this inequality issue, this is something thatmany people in this country are very concerned about. So this put someone inthe rough spot to agree with the xxx anything. That is how difficult for theRepublican to be on the same side of Obama, particularly when you are headingto a republican primary. It’s not something  ///, very keen-on. So it puts, I think it putssome uniquely challenging position where // is of the goal here. ”
“Yeah,interesting, yeah, the president tried to put them in that position and it’sinteresting to watch. Remember, Republicans, this is the first time in theObama’s administration they controlled both the Senate and the House. They keptsaying no, they are gonna say no. That is an alternative, you said, especiallynot just for their party but going into the 2016’s…”