美国有线新闻 CNN 2015-01-26(在线收听

 A big meeting happening today in Utah, two men who we think wanna be president are having a meeting, a private meeting. I am talking about Jeb Bush, the former governor of Florida, and Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts too, who has run for president a couple of times, you might remember. 

So what on earth are they going to talk about? Joined by Reihan Salam who comes from the right side of the Iowa, Shall we say! Here is Sally, column political commentator, Sally Kohn. Sally, thank you so much for being with us, and Reihan Salam you as well. 
Reihan I suppose, you know, it was Jeb Bush who asked for the meeting, so I will put this in his shoes. If you were Jeb Bush and you walking into a meeting with Mitt Romney and you know Mitt Romney wants to be the president and you know that you want to be the president. What do you say dude?
“I just say, look, you and I care about the same thing pretty much. We present the same wing of the party. If you get in and you are gonna squeeze me out and some wack dude is gonna win. That’s what he would say. I personally think, I’d love see both of them go at it so that some candidate who is better than both could come in the middle. I would love see them just blow enormous amounts of money from their donor friends and just bash each other all day long, but sadly, they are smart enough to realize that would be a battle for both of them.” 
‘So let me put that in that way, what would Mitt say to Jeb? Something in reverse.’
“That’s a tricky question, because I wonder which one is more ambivalent. The question is one of them is a bit more on the fence. So the other one is gonna say, ‘Look!’ the one who is really committed, is gonna say ‘I am gonna make this really expensive, I am in this, period! This is not a joke for me! I am dead serious!’ The question is which one is more like that? And I just don’t know the answer.”
“Sally Kohn, scale of 1 to 10 on the awkward scale, 10 being the most awkward, where would this rank?”
“Really, really awkward! I mean, they planned this meeting before Mitt start dangling the possible ways he might be in the race. You know, I think two things are interesting here. One is which Jeb Bush and especially which Mitt Romney might even consider running? They are both starting to make more progressive populist over church. Mitt Romney recently said he would make his campaign all about fighting against poverty as opposed to attacking the 47%. You know, he recently said he is now thinking climate change is an issue again when he said he didn’t before he did and all that. So that’s the first thing. They are gonna hammer out …