美联社新闻一分钟 2006-03-08(在线收听

1. Dana Reeve, the widow of actor Christopher Reeve lost her battle with lung cancer Monday night. The 44-year-old announced last August she had cancer. They have a 13-year-old son.

2. The sentencing phase for Al-Qaida member Zacarias Moussaoui continues in Alexandria, Virginia. In an interview with reporters, Moussaoui's mother says her son appears to be someone else. Moussaoui faces the death penalty or life in prison.

3. Andrew Fastow, the star witness in the Enron trial took the stand in Houston, Texas Tuesday. Fastow says he ran partnerships to help the company hide millions of dollars in losses. Fastow pleaded guilty to 2 counts of conspiracy and faces 10 years in prison.

4. A new book alleges baseball player Barry Bonds used steroids for at least 5 years beginning in 1998. Bonds says he won’t read the book or any articles about his alleged steroid use.


1. star witness : 主要的证人

2. stand :noun [C]
US FOR witness box:
e.g. The witness took the stand (= went to the place in a court where you stand and answer questions).

3. steroid :noun [C]
a drug which increases the development of your muscles, sometimes taken illegally by people taking part in sports competitions
