美联社新闻一分钟 2006-04-26(在线收听

1. The head of Iraq's Al Qaeda terrorists group has a new videotape message to the world posted on the Internet. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi mocks the US military and says any government formed in Iraq will be just a stooge.

2. Under pressure to combat near record-high gas prices. President Bush has made 2 temporary moves. He suspended stricter new environmental rules and halted deposits to the government's strategic petroleum reserve.

3. More trouble for a Duke University lacrosse player charged with raping a stripper in North Carolina. 19-year-old Collin Finnerty has been ordered to stand trial on an unrelated assault charge, stemming from an incident in Washington last fall.

4. As if being the top golfer in the world isn't enough, Tiger Woods is spending his off time in New Zealand, bungee jumping. He made a 440-foot dive on Sunday, then joined a celebrity stock car race on Monday


1. mock : verb
to laugh at sb/sth in an unkind way, especially by copying what they say or do:
e.g. He’s always mocking my French accent.

2. stooge : noun
a person who is used by sb to do things that are unpleasant or dishonest:

3. off time : noun[U]
time when you are officially allowed not to be at work or studying
e.g. Have you ever had to take time off for health reasons?

4. bungee jumping : noun [U]
a sport in which a person jumps from a high place, such as a bridge or a cliff, with a bungee tied to their feet

5. stock car : noun[C]
a car that has been made stronger so that it can compete in a race where cars often crash into each other
