

  1.定义猜词。即在该词后面有用冒号或者破折号,进行进一步解释说明的。比如......this is rather like placing a textbook on a wet sponge: the weight squeezes the water out, causing both water and sponge to settle lower. 通过冒号后的解释sponge的意思就更为清楚了。
  4.根据common sense猜,当然,同学要记住,不能用common sense 来做T/F/NG的题,这是雅思阅读的大忌。
  5.还有,有的词如果不影响你的阅读,那么就不要去管他什么意思了。做雅思阅读,Time is limited.一定要好好控制自己的时间。关于时间分配我也会在下面的博文中详细讲。
  In the following exercise, do NOT try to learn the italicized words. Concentrate on developing your ability to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues. Read each sentence carefully, and write a definition, synonym, or description of the italicized word on the line provided.
  1.____________________ The major points of your plan are clear to me, but the details are still hazy.
  2. _____________________ By anticipating the thief’s next move, the police were able to arrive at the bank before the robbery occurred.
  3.______________________ All of the palace’s laundry, when gathered for washing, formed a massive bundle that required the combined efforts of all the servants to carry.
  4.______________________ “Give me specific suggestions when you criticize my work,” said the employee. “Vague comments do not help me improve.”
  5._______________________ The apple appeased my hunger temporarily, but I could still eat a big dinner.
  6.________________________ After the attacks on civilians by army troops, a committee met to try to discover what could have provoked such ation.
  7.________________________ The king manifested his pleasure with a hearty laugh.
  8.________________________ The nation’s highway death toll has increased every year since the invention of the automobile.
  9.__________________________ The workers’ lives were wretched, they worked from morning to night in all kinds of weather, earning only enough money to buy their simple food and cheap clothes.
  10.__________________________ In a series of bold moves, government attorneys attacked the mammoth auto industry, saying that the size o the business endangered the financial freedom of the individual buyer.
  In the following exercise, do NOT try to learn the italicized words. Concentrate on developing your ability to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues. Read each sentence carefully, and write a definition, synonym, or description of the italicized word on the line provided.
  1._______________ As he reached for the rock above him, his rope broke and he hung precariously by one hand as the rescues ran toward him.
  2.________________ The tired soldiers trudged through knee-deep mud for hours before they found a dry place to sleep.
  3._________________ In the past, the world seemed to run in an orderly way. Now, however, everything seems to be in a state of turmoil.
  4.__________________ Monkeys are well known for their grooming habits; they spend hours carefully cleaning bits of dirt and straw from their coats.
  5.___________________ Matrimony doesn’t seem to agree with Liz—she’s been unhappy ever since she got married.
  6._________________ Using a long, slender instrument called a probe, doctors are able to locate and remove pieces of metal form a patient’s wounds.
  7._________________ The following Monday, when the president convened the second meeting of the committee, we all sat down quietly and waited for him to begin.
  8.____________________ We think of plants in general as absorbing water and food; of animals as ingesting or “eating it”.
  9._____________________ Robben is considered an automatic administrator because he makes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.
  This exercise is designed to give you practice using context clues from a passage. Use your
  generally knowledge along with information from the entire text below to write a definition, synonym, or description of the italicized word on the line provided. Read through the entire passage before making a decision. Note that some of the words appear more than once; by the end of the passage you should have a good idea of their meaning. Do not worry if your definition is not exact; a general idea of the meaning will often allow you to understand the meaning of the written text.
  People in Americas before Last Ice Age?
  A site in northeastern Brazil has yielded evidence of the earliest known human occupation in the Americas, approximately 32,000 years ago, according to a report by two French scientists.
  Although the discovery, reported in June 19 NATURE, does not resolve long-standing archaeological disputes over when and how people first arrived in the New World, the site is much older than others where human occupation has been firmly established. Several such finds in the southwestern United States date to 11,500 years ago, and a rock shelter near Pittsburgh is thought to contain evidence of use by human 19,000 years ago; previously, the earliest known site occupied by humans in South America was 14,200 years old.