1. A tragic day in Pennsylvania Amish country. Police say a gunman killed at least 3 young girls in a schoolhouse. The suspect who police say killed himself reportedly told his wife he was seeking revenge for something that happened 20 years ago.
2. House Speaker Dennis Hastert says the Republican leadership did not know about lurid instant messages between former Congressman Mark Foley and House pages from 2003. Hastert says he's disgusted and outraged.
3. Iraq's government has extended its state of emergency in response to unrelenting violence. More than 19 people die today in bombings and shootings. Fifty bodies were found in just 24 hours. Gunmen kidnap 14 workers from computer shops near Baghdad's Technical University.
4. Two Americans have won the Nobel Prize for medicine. Craig Mello and Andrew Fire were recognized for discovering a way to turn off the effects of specific genes. This could potentially give scientist a way to fight diseases from cancer to AIDS.
1. schoolhouse : n A building used as a school.
2. lurid : adj Marked by sensationalism: a lurid account of the crime.
3. instant messaging : n The transmission of an electronic message over a computer network using software that immediately displays the message in a window on the screen of the recipient.
4. unrelenting : adj Not diminishing in intensity, pace, or effort.