澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-03-06(在线收听

 A senior minister in Indonesia has told the ABC there will be a delay to the next round of executions. It buys more time for Andrew Chang and Maruan Sukumaran to pursue their appeals, but the Indonesian president has confirmed that the prisoners's swap will not be considered. Meanwhile, the Australian government has launched a formal complaint to Indonesia over the photographs of their police chief with the death role in May. 

A senate inquiry is set to be established into the alledged corrupt practices of Australian companies overseas. Labor's senator Sam Dastyari has told the senate that he has documents detailing allegations aginst Leighton Holdings, Leighton Offshore, and Thiess. He's also flagged an inquiry would look into the BHP Bilitan.
Philippine prosecutors say they'll file a human trafficking, a rape, and urder charges against an Australian man, alledgedly involved in the booming sadistic  sex trade. The suspect Peter Juraskaly was arrested last month after alledgedly sexually abusing eight girls, including an infant. 
A plane has slipped off the runway and crashed into a fence in New York's Guadia Airport. One hundred and twenty-five passengers and 5 crew were on board. Thankfully no one was injured. The airport's runway was closed and an investigation is now under way. 
And motor enthusiast party senator Richy M. has delivered his first speech to parliament vowing to stick up for those experiencing hardship and disadvantage. The crossbench senator criticized the Abbott government over the terms to put through a GP copayment, university deregulation, and changes to renewable energy policy. 