朗文3L看听学英语第四册 Lesson 29(在线收听

  29 Television Day: Life on the sea-shore
  Today our TV cameras visit a rocky sea-shore. The tide is out at the moment. You can see the sea-bed and there are tiny rock-pools everywhere. With its crabs, shrimps, fish and shell-fish, a rock-pool is a busy place-even if it looks quiet and empty. There are limpets in the rocks. They look like snails. When the tide comes in or goes out, it won't wash them away because they cling tightly to the rocks. Some sea-creatures, like clams and cockles, can't cling to the rocks to avoid the pull of the tide.They have to dig into the sand. Notice the sea-gulls beside the pools. They always arrive the moment the tide goes out. They know there is plenty to eat in the pools. The sea comes and goes twice a day, but it never takes the sea-creatures by surprise. It doesn't disturb their lives. All the creatures by the shore live in special places. If you visit the same rock-pool several times, you will get to know its inhabitants- but you must be very very patient!
