

Thanks to the seemingly unstoppable advance of electronic and mechanical devices, aircraft manufacturers are constantly upgrading the cockpit environment and the passenger cabin, making flying the plane and traveling in it easier, and more pleasurable. Some of these innovations were on display at the recent International Air Show in Paris.


Aircraft cockpits have changed considerably over the past half century. The yoke-shaped control columns were replaced with joysticks, first developed for computer games.


Analog clock-like instruments have given way to electronic displays with touch-sensitive screens.


Honeywell Aerospace Vice President Ken Snodgrass said his company is testing its advanced cockpit in a small passenger jet.

霍尼韦尔航空航天集团(Honeywell Aerospace)的副总裁肯·斯诺德格拉斯(Ken Snodgrass)说,他的公司正在用一架小型喷气式客机测试他们的新型驾驶舱。

“It has four very large screens, and you'll see things are set up to be very, very graphical. So, not like the older cockpits where you had a lot of button pushes. There's a lot more now like you use on your mobile phone and also for your tablets,” said Snodgrass.


Visually simplified information, displayed on small screens in front of a pilot’s eye, will enable pilots to quickly grasp a situation and make the best possible decisions, said Thales Avionics Marketing Director Richard Perrot.

泰雷兹航空电子公司(Thales Avionics)的营销主管理查德·派洛特(Thales Avionics)说,视觉上简化了的信息呈现在飞行员眼前的小屏幕上,这有助于飞行员迅速掌握情况并且做出最佳判断。

“This system is based on our [more than] 20 years of experience within the military field on helmet-mounted display systems, and for the first time we will introduce it on commercial aircraft,” said Perrot.


Thales’ senior development engineer Sylvain Moos said similar changes are coming to air traffic control centers.

泰雷兹航空电子公司的资深研发工程师席尔瓦·莫斯(Sylvain Moos)说,空中交通管制中心也会迎来类似的变化。

“We have no keyboard, no mouse. The controller is interacting with the system through the gaze information [eye tracking technology] and the touchscreen,” said Moos.


Manufacturers are not forgetting the passengers. Video displays in the back of passenger seats will offer real-time connectivity and much more entertainment than today.


Senior manager for Panasonic Avionics, Matthias Walther, said the goal is to make the passenger feel almost at home.

松下航空电子公司(Panasonic Avionics)的高级主管马提亚·沃尔特(Matthias Walther)说,这样做是为了让乘客们感到宾至如归。

“What we're close to really delivering is the seamless travel process for the passenger. So there's no difference between the experience that you have on the ground and the experience you have on the aircraft,” he said.


Exhibitors at the Paris Air Show say that by 2020, cockpits in most passenger aircraft will have advanced touch-sensitive screens, while pilots will wear head-mounted displays.


巴黎国际航空展上的展商们说,到2020年, 多数民航飞机上的驾驶舱将会配备先进的触摸式屏幕,而驾驶员们则会佩戴头盔显示器。
