VOA慢速英语2015 女子世界杯打破了除奖金之外的诸多记录分享到:(在线收听

AS IT IS 2015-07-08 Women's World Cup Sets Records, Except Money 女子世界杯打破了除奖金之外的诸多记录分享到:

The Women’s World Cup final match between the U.S. and Japan set all kinds of records over the weekend. One record the historic match did not set: money.


The women’s final was the most-watched soccer match ever, men’s or women’s, in United States history. Sunday’s game averaged 25.4 million television viewers.


American Carli Lloyd became the first woman to score a “hat trick” in a final match. In other words, Lloyd scored three goals in the game.She also broke the record for the fastest three goals scored in Women’s World Cup history.

美国的Carli Lloyd成为决赛中首个“进三球”的队员。换句话说,Lloyd在赛事中命中三球。此外,在女足世界杯史上,她以最快速度命中三球,创下纪录。

With seven total goals between the U.S. and Japan, the game was the highest-scoring final in World Cup history. The U.S. team set a record of its own, with five goals scored in the final match.


Japan also set some World Cup records. Japanese midfielder Homare Sawa now shares the record with Brazil’s Formiga for playing in six of the seven Women’s World Cups.

日本也创下一些世界杯的记录。日本中场队员Homare Sawa与巴西的Formiga参加了七场女足世界杯中的六场比赛,两人平分秋色。

Despite record-breaking television audiences and historic plays, the U.S. women’s team will receive only $2 million for winning its third World Cup – the only women’s team ever to do so.


In comparison, the German team walked away with $35 million when it won the Men’s World Cup last year.


It comes down to revenue.


In its 2014 financial report, FIFA stated that the Men’s World Cup in Brazil made more than $4.8 billion from broadcasters, advertisers and ticket sales. The men received more than $570 million in prize money last year in Brazil.


FIFA’s prize money for the women’s tournament in Canada this year was just $15 million.


With her record-setting performance in the final, Carli Lloyd received the Golden Ball, given to the tournament’s most valuable player.

因其在决赛中打破纪录的出色表现,最终金球奖杯奖励给此次赛事中最具价值球员Carli Lloyd。

And with the U.S. Treasury Department looking for a woman to appear on the new $10 bill,U.S. Soccer Women’s National Team sent out a Tweet suggesting some of their players:


“We’ve got an idea for a new $10 & $1,” “How about the best Women’s Player and Goalkeeper in the World” The Twitter message was posted along with of Lloyd and goalkeeper Hope Solo.

“对于新的10美元和1美元,我们收到些建议。”“最佳女足队员与守门员怎么样?”推文还附上了Lloyd 以及守门员Hope Solo的照片。

Words in This Story

record – n. a performance or achievement that is the best of its kind

revenue – n. money that is made by or paid to a business or an organization

appropriate – adj. right or suited for some purpose or situation

sponsorship – n. an arrangement in which a sponsor agrees to give money to someone or something
