访谈录 法国戛纳电影节开幕前再发生珠宝劫案(在线收听

 Tonight on the posh French reverie, a final preps is underway, as the Cannes Film Festival is about to kick off, and there is a hunt on for some jewel thieves. This is a time when the small town is a big target for thieves, looking the cash in big time, security not taking any chances this year. Here is ABC’s Hamish McDonald.

Tonight on a French reverie, authority is searching for four jewelry’s thieves just as the big stars are about to hit town. The world famous Cannes Film Festival means big money, and makes it a big target. A huge but discrete security detail has been deployed. This country is still XXling from January’s terrorist attacks in Paris. And here in Cannes, the Cartier store is exceptionally closed, says the sign in the shop front. The thieves got away with 20 million’s worth just this week.
First, these robbers smashed into the shop front, carrying a pistol, wearing an old man’s face mask. He lead two accompanies while another stood guard on here.
Just across the road in 2013, one of the richest highest industry watches these thieves entering the XX hotel in bright daylight, escaping with 143 million's worth, as Cannes gears up for the festival. Jewelers and fashion designers ship in ever valuable pieces to dress the celebrities when they hit the red carpet.
Police sense security details and now they look on for criminal gangs may be gearing up to.
Hamish McDonald, ABC News. Cannes