听歌学英语: 世界禁曲之一.忧郁星期天 Gloomy Sunday(在线收听


Sunday is gloomy ! 阴沉的云笼罩着星期天
My hours are slumberless每时每刻都是难捱的无眠
Dearest,the shadows I live with are numberless.最亲爱的人啊,包裹着我的重重阴影,无际无边
Little white flowers will never awaken you.纵是那雪般洁白的点点香花,也再难唤醒你
Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you.在那个地方,黑色的死亡之车已经带走了你
Angels have no thought of ever returning you.天使们也无意将你还我
Would they be angry if I thought of joining you? 如果我决意,去追随你,ta们是否会生气?

Gloomy Sunday ! 忧郁啊,星期天
With shadows I spend it all.这昏暗的星期天,总算是同着阴影一起挨过去了
My heart and I have decided to end it all.我的心与我的人,也已决定要将这一切放下去了
Soon there'll be flowers and prayers.很快,这里会充斥着鲜花和祷告
They are sad I know.我知道,他们会难过
Let them not weep.让她们不要哭
Let them know that I'm glad to go.告诉他们,我愿意离开
Death is no dream.死亡不是梦啊
For in death I'm caressing you.因为在死亡之乡,我能爱拥你
With the last breath of my soul.用尽灵魂的最后一丝气息
I'll be blessing you.我祝福你
Dreaming ! 梦
I was only dreaming.原来这只是梦。
I wake and I find.我醒来发现。
You asleep in the deep of my heart ! 你睡着,深深地,在我心底!
Dear ! 亲爱的!
Darling,I hope that my dream never haunted you.亲爱的,但愿我痛苦的梦不曾惊扰你
My heart is telling you.心只是在告诉你
How much I wanted you.我是多么的需要你

gloomy ['glu?mi] 美 ['ɡlumi] adj. 黑暗的;沮丧的;阴郁的;前景黯淡的;悲观的;绝望的
His father tended to see the gloomy side.他爸爸总喜欢看到事物悲观的一面。
The gloomy situation did not discourage her from following her dream.令人沮丧的情况并没有阻挡她追求她的梦想。
Her smile is a breath of fresh air in this gloomy office.她的微笑给沉闷的办公室带来了生气。
Loneliness in a gloomy rainy day may be unbearable to him.对他来说,阴郁雨天里的那种寂寞是难以忍受的。

My hours are slumberless每时每刻都是我难捱的无眠
slumberless,原型是 slumber
slumber['sl?mb?]n. 睡眠, 休止状态 v. 睡觉, 打盹, 静止, 休眠
That volcano is slumbering.那座火山正处于休眠状态。
Some insects slumber in the winter.一些昆虫在冬季蛰伏。
Thought once awakened does not again slumber. 思想一旦被唤醒,就再也不会沉睡/想法一旦形成,不会轻易自己走开。
slumber party. n睡衣派对(指一帮朋友穿着睡衣通宵畅谈的聚会)
Slumber Parties become cherished childhood memories.睡衣派对是童年珍贵的记忆。
slumberless adj无眠的;

Angels have no thought of ever returning you.天使们也无意将你还我
thought:[θ?:t]n.思想, 想法, 观念, 打算, 关心, 顾虑 ; 动词think的过去式和过去分词
The old man was lost in thought and did not hear us come in.这个老人凝神沉思,没有听见我们进来。
Why do you hide your thoughts from me?你为什么要对我隐瞒你的想法?
have no thought of sth/ doing sth:无意做什么;无意要什么
To be truly happy, a man must live absolutely in the present, and with no thought of what's gone before, and no thought of what lies ahead.要做快乐的人,必须完全生活在当前,不去想过去的事,也不想将来的事。
thoughtful ['θ??tf?l; -f(?)l] adj. 深思的;体贴的;关切的
She has always been silent and thoughtful, and now she's more so than ever. 她一直就是一个沉静和深思的孩子,现在她变得更是这样了。
It's most thoughtful of you. 你想得真是太周到。
By the way, it was really thoughtful of you to get me the ticket. 顺便说一句,你还帮我把票买了,想得太周到了。

My heart and I have decided to end it all.我心意已决,(追随你)结束在尘世的一切
to end it all: 结束这一切;自杀;一了百了
If that's the way she feels about it, why doesn't she just end it all? 如果她对这件事的感觉是这样的,那她为什么没有索性结束这一切呢?
He grew suicidal, thinking up ways to end it all. 他萌生了自杀的念头,想出各种自我了断的办法(suicidal [su?i'said(?)l]有自杀倾向的; think up:想起;〔口语〕发明;想出;设计出;是想出,编造)。
