美国有线新闻 CNN 2015-09-07(在线收听

 It looks like President Barack Obama may have enough Senate votes to protect controversial nuclear deal with the middle-east country of Iran. Recover the details of the deal of August 18th show congress gives the final say on the US on the deal. Likely then law makers virtually  all republican and a few democrats will vote to reject it. The president Obama has promised to veto that and it will require a 2/3 vote in both the house and the senate to override that veto. yesterday it appeared that enough senators have announced their support for the deal to prevent that possible override. President Obama administration says this deal is the best way to make sure that Iran doesn't build the nuclear weapon. Critics say it won't work that Iran will still be able to build one in the years ahead. And CNN ORC poll in 8th August found 66% Americans said Congress should reject the deal while 41% said congress should 
