美国有线新闻 CNN 2015-09-12(在线收听

 As its network news* gives breakfast play by play. A cruel missle is fired for an warship and Kin shows his approval. Newly really propaganda radio shows similar reviewing military exercises. Targets at sea explode in the distance. At night he supervises a period brush of heavyer killery fire. It comes US and UN officials tell CNN of new concerns of the possible expansion of Kin's nuclear weapons program. Anticipation is builting tonight of one possible threat. There is great deal concern that north Korea may have adopt a force nuclear test. It's hard to know when. It could happen early next month around an important daneversary celebrating north Korea's decadership. New satellites images analyze by the website thirty-eight north show signs of activity at Yongyang. North Korea's exploring complex which produces material for nuclear bombs. "We have tracks and there is one track. Here is another track. And what we see is a lot of activity at this facility which is the reacter. And in this reacter there are feulround. And overtime * is built up in those feulround. " The track activity could mean routing *,~ says, or it could mean more * is being produced for bombs. Also tonight the UN's nuclear watchdog agency says the four area of another building in Yongyang housing a nuclear feul road fabrication plant have doubled in size over the past year. At a time, when there is Syria disagreement over the Iran nuclear deal, analysy at disturbing possible parellel was deals reach long ago to curb North Korea's nuclear program. Most killing western of the North Korean deal and this is being two sets of them. They just don't hold. But be aroud deal ~ say will be much easy to verify. At this point North Korea's vital young leader is a dangerous place. We are faced with a growing threat from North Korea and no way to stop that threat. And you have to worry that accidents could happen. You have to worry that North Korea may miscalculate......
