公众人物毕业演讲 第152期:史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克于加州大学伯克利分校(9)(在线收听

   I think of songs, music that influence my life a lot and Bob Dylan sang you're right from your side as right from mine

  有几首歌对我的生命影响颇深鲍勃?迪伦唱到 你认为你是对的 我也认为我是对的
  We're both just one too many mornings. And a thousand miles behind
  你我只是远隔千里 不尽相同
  You know the words we're a little different and that was all we're gonna look at it, peacefully
  你们都知道歌词 我们只是有所不同而已我们就是应该平和地对待这个问题
  Dave Mason sing there ain't no good guy, there ain't no bad guy there's only you and me and we just disagree
  戴夫·梅森唱到 没有好人 也没有坏人只有你和我 而我们意见相左
  It's a good way to even have partings
  Uh, there's a type of bigotry in this world that's prominent you have to be like me, or you're not good
  这世界上有这么一种不容忽视的偏执的想法你们都得跟我一样 否则你们就不好
  Get that out of your soul
  It's like if you use a certain platform of computer and somebody else uses another
  Don't put them down and call them bad
  不要贬低他们 说他们不好
  Appreciate them that they have a brain and that they made a choice
  And if their choice works for them, it's still good
  如果他们的选择对他们来说正合适 仍然是好的
  You don't really have to say the whole world has to be like me
  You know sometimes we have a metaphor for life call the river
  But the river, you're just sort of flowing in it
  可是比作河流的话 我们只是顺水而流
  You're not a participant, you're not a proponent I'd love to think of it more like driving your car
  你并不是一个参与者 也不是建设者我更愿意把人生比作开车
  and what are some of the rules when I got my driver's license and I was on the freeway for the first time, cars would want to merge in
  有些规则要去遵守 我第一次拿到驾照的时候我第一次上高速开车 会有车想并入我的车道
  I would back off and let them merge in and I said to myself we are all going somewhere
  我就会给他们让一下 让他们并进来我会对自己说 我们都有目的地
  we're all gonna get there, we're all gonna help each other It's OK to use your brakes as a human brain and your own brain, too
  我们最终都会到达 我们都要互相帮助理智地运用刹车 运用自己的头脑也没有关系