2015年ESL之就医和人际交往 14 Outdoor Sun Protection(在线收听

Outdoor Sun Protection 

June: Wait! You forgot your sun hat. 

Wally: I’m not wearing that hat. It looks ridiculous on me. 

June: It’ll protect you from the sun’s rays. You’re too fair to be outdoors for long without protection. You don’t want to get another sunburn. 

Wally: I’m wearing sunscreen. I’ll be fine. 

June: This ChapStick has an SPF of 100. You’ll need that, too. 

Wally: All right. Anything else? 

June: Yes, these sunglasses will protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. 

Wally: Okay, I’m leaving now. I’m surprised you didn’t get me some protective clothing. My arms and legs are exposed. 

June: I’m glad you reminded me. Here’s a sun cape. It’s made of a breathable fabric. Make sure you wear it every minute you’re outside. Promise? 

Wally: [sigh] 


Script by Dr. Lucy Tse 
