澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-09-28(在线收听

 A Four Corners investigation has uncovered claims that a third of Australia's health spending has been squandered on test scans and surgery that's  unnecessary. The procedures in questioning include scans, colonoscopies, knee arthroscopies, and ...surgery. The AMA says the claims over servicing are ludicrous, but Sydney University's Adam Elshaug says he has identified at least a hundred and fifty unsafe or ineffective services that receive repays. We know the patients have been harmed by receiving tests and treatments that they should have never received. Hum, there is a cost for that, and that cost should also be counted because those are dollars that are wasted and couldn't be reallocated to other areas of medicine. More on that Four Corners report later in the program. Now the family of a Melbourne woman, who died after being hit by a small motorbike, has drawn thousands of people at a candlelight visual to remember her. 34-y-o Andrela Hynn was hit at a pedestrian crossing in Karring Down's on Wednesday. Three teenagers have been charged with offences, including cross road driving and reckless conduct endangering the life of Mrs. Hynn. Voctorian coroner is expected to deliver findings today on the death of the 11-y-o Luke Bettie. Rose Bettie's son was murdered by his father at tyre creek ground in February last year. Since Luke's death Ms. Bettie has campaigned to improve services for family violence victims. A geo-scientist says the synchronic freeze on island of Queensland's coast is unrelated to recent earthquakes. The synchro has grown to more than two hundred meters since it apeared just after eight o'clock on Saturday night. A four-wheel drive carry van and can... were lost in skip point, but no one was hurt. This post was generated by put listening repetition system,  Check the original dictation thread!
