美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-10-20(在线收听

 This is AP News Minute. 1. President Barack Obama announced plans Thursday to keep nearly 10,000 US troops in Afghanistan through the most of next year and 5,500 when he leaves office in 2017. Obama acknowledged America’s weariness of the lengthy conflict but said he was “firmly convinced” the effort is necessary. 2. Drivers in Phoenix, Arizona had a surprising sight when a cow got loose on interstate 10 on Wednesday evening. KNXV TV reports that officials say the cow escaped from a trailer which had stopped to repair a tire. 3. South Korea’s president visited the Pentagon Thursday for a meeting with Defense Secretary Ash Carter on North Korea’s missile and nuclear weapons programs. The president also viewed a military parade with Carter outside the Pentagon. 4. And Zoo Miami announced Patty, the Matschie's tree kangaroo living at the zoo became the oldest of her species ever documented. Patty reached 27 years 2 months and 12 days of age as zoo employees celebrated the momentous day with a birthday cake. Emily Roseman, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.
