
 Mike: I like the look of that pair over there. What do you think?

Amanda: The leather pair? Good choice. Leather shoes allow your feet to breathe, so they won't get all sweaty and smelly.
Mike: They even have special insoles to support the arches of my feet. That's going to make a big difference when I go jogging. Perhaps I won't get cramps so much now.
Amanda: If you wanted, you could buy the same pair without laces. I'm not a big fan of Velcro straps though. I think they look ugly.
Mike: Yeah. Me too. Well, I'm going to try them on to see how they feel.
Amanda: Don't forget to make sure they don't pinch anywhere, or you'll soon be limping along with horrible blisters.
Mike: They're a bit tight. Could you get me a shoehorn? Oh, and one more thing, could you ask how much they are going to cost me?
Amanda: Do you have a price in mind?
Mike: Err ... I was thinking of spending about NT$4,000.
Amanda: Wow! You must have struck it rich overnight. How about a less extravagant pair, so you have enough left over to take me out to dinner!
insole  (n.)   鞋垫;鞋内底After putting insoles in my new sneakers, they fit better.
cramp  (n.)   抽筋;痉挛Too much training often causes athletes to get cramps.
to pinch  (v.)   捏;夹痛I let out a squeal when my sister pinched me.
to limp  (v.)   跛行The stray dog limped away after being hit by a cyclist.
extravagant  (adj.)   奢侈的;浪费的The ambassador's extravagant party included unlimited champagne and caviar.
to not be a fan of something   不是…的爱好者A: Do you feel like eating Japanese food tonight?
B: Not really. I'm not a big fan of sushi.
to have something in mind   想到…;想要…A: Do you have a present in mind for Tony's birthday?
B: Yes. I was planning to buy him a couple of DVDs.
to strike it rich   一夜致富A: Harry must have struck it rich or something.
B: Yeah. He's been spending loads recently.