公众人物毕业演讲 第171期:比尔·奈马萨诸塞大学2014(18)(在线收听

   but perhaps you are hoping to remotely touch someone you'll never meet

  有可能 你会同遥远的未曾相识的人产生联系。
  the Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity rovers which are on Mars
  勇气号 机遇号 好奇号火星探测器。
  are each fitted with a photometric calibration target
  a test pattern for the cameras
  which also serves as a sundial
  and along the aluminum of each Mars dial
  此外 在每个火星日冕的铝制部分。
  it says in very small letters, to those who visit here
  都用很小的字母写到 致到访此处的任何人。
  we wish a safe journey and the joy of discovery
  and that, my friends, is the essence of science
  朋友们 这就是科学的精髓。
  The joy of knowing, that's what drives us
  获得知识的乐趣 这就是我们的驱动力。
  That's science. It brings out the best in us
  这就是科学 它能让我们发挥出最大潜能。
  It makes our species worthy of the future
  And I often reflect on the words of my 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Cochran
  and she told us
  there are more stars in the sky than grains of sand on the beach
  and there are by any measure a lot of grains of sand on the beach
  怎么看 海滩上的沙粒都太多了。
  I mean, there are more than you can count for sure
  but for most of us, there are more than you can imagine
  I stood on the beach. It was in Delaware that summer
  那年夏天 我站在特拉华的海滩上。
  and I got to thinking about her assertion
  Does she mean all of the grains of sand that I can see?
  Does she mean the ones I can't see
  the ones that must cover the beach a few meters deep?
  And when the tide goes out, there's more sand
  而且潮水退去时 沙粒又会增多。
  And I look behind me, there's sand sand sand
  我往后看 到处都是沙 沙 沙。
  I look this way, 1000 nautical miles, that way, 1000... they're sand
  这边有1000海里的沙子 这边也是 到处都是沙。
  Are you telling me, Mrs. Cochran, there are more stars than all of that?
  科克伦老师 星星真的比所有这些沙粒还多吗。
  Well, apparently there are by about a factor of 10
  没错 而且根据现有估计 大约多一个数量级。
  So in that long ago moment, I was paralyzed by self doubt
  在很久之前的那时 我被这些疑虑镇住了。
  I mean. I was just a little kid
  standing on the beach
  and that beach is one of many beaches on the planet that turns out
  to be in the cosmic scheme of things pretty small planet
  而地球在整个宇宙中来看 只是一颗很小的行星。
  a speck really
  Furthermore, my home speck, the earth
  更进一步 我们的地球。
  is orbiting a star that is completely unremarkable. It's just another speck
  正绕一颗不起眼的恒星公转 而太阳只是另一粒尘埃。
  and is in a galaxy full of other specks
  with a vastness of space for more galaxies
  I'm a speck on a speck orbiting a speck
  我是一粒尘埃 处在一粒尘埃上 绕一粒尘埃旋转。
  with a bunch of other specks in the vast emptiness of specklessness
  在无尽的尘埃空间中 数不尽的尘埃一同存在着。
  But wait. But wait wait wait