VOA慢速英语2015 欧盟为来自以色列定居点的产品制定新标签法规(在线收听

AS IT IS 2015-11-14 New EU Labeling Rule for Israeli Settlement Products 欧盟为来自以色列定居点的产品制定新标签法规

The European Union is requiring Israel to identify products that are made in disputed territory and sold in Europe.


The EU says the rules are a technical measure that will expand to its entire 28-nation bloc labelling similar to what is already being done by members Britain, Belgium and Denmark.


Labelling was first proposed in 2012 for goods coming out of the areas that Israeli seized in the 1967 Six Day War and that the EU does not recognize as Israeli territory.


Israel's foreign ministry called the EU's decision an "exceptional and discriminatory step."


Israeli officials have called the regulations "disguised anti-Semitism" and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in September they were reminiscent of labels placed on Jewish products during the Nazi era.


David Walzer, the Israeli ambassador to the EU, said last month the guidelines single out Israel and send a message that it should be "blamed and punished" for the stagnation in the peace process with the Palestinians.

以色列驻欧盟大使戴维·沃尔泽(David Walzer)上个月说,这些单单针对以色列的指导准则发出一个信息,即以色列应该为巴以之间陷于停顿的和平进程“承担责任并受到惩罚”。

Words in This Story

clarify – v. to make (something) clear or clearer

ashamed – adj. feeling shame or guilt

immoral – adj.  not morally good or right, morally evil or wrong

implement – v.  to make (something) active or effective

de facto – adj.  used to describe something that exists but that is not officially accepted or recognized

havoc – n.  a situation in which there is much destruction or confusion
