最新15篇文章贯通英语四级词汇MP3 Unit7-Part4(在线收听


[00:00.00]The first Christmas cards 

[00:02.07]were sent in the 1840’s 

[00:03.82]in both England and America. 

[00:07.43]Gift giving probably stems 

[00:10.05]from the Bible where 

[00:11.58]it is written that 

[00:12.90]three kings, bearing gifts 

[00:15.19]from the Orient, visited Bethlehem 

[00:17.39]when Jesus was born. 

[00:19.24]We know that St. Nicholas 

[00:21.76]also gave gifts. 

[00:22.96]A later tradition developed, 

[00:25.81]whereby gifts were given 

[00:27.56]on each of the twelve days 

[00:29.53]of Christmas, from December 25th, 

[00:32.15]when Jesus allegedly was born, 

[00:34.02]to January 6th , when Jesus 

[00:37.18]was apparently baptized(the Epiphany). 

[00:39.16]There is a popular song 

[00:42.43]called the “Twelve Days of Christmas” 

[00:45.52]that keeps this tradition 

[00:46.97]alive each year.

[00:50.14]We understand, that Macy’s Department Store 

[00:52.66]in New York City introduced 

[00:54.74]the annual Christmas or 

[00:56.49]Santa Claus Parade during the 1880’s. 

[00:59.44]Today, in late November, 

[01:03.71]or early December, a Christmas Parade

[01:06.88]is held in almost every city

[01:09.18]and town in Europe and America.

[01:12.13]Early on the night

[01:15.19]before Christmas (Christmas Eve), 

[01:16.73]children are encouraged to 

[01:19.24]go to bed early 

[01:20.89]if they expect Santa to come.

[01:23.07]They lay their heads 

[01:24.93]on their pillows with visions 

[01:26.90]of what the next day will bring. 

[01:29.64]Santa is invisible to 

[01:31.93]children since no one 

[01:33.47]has actually seen him, 

[01:34.89]his sleigh, or reindeer

[01:36.75]on Christmas Eve.

[01:39.16]On Christmas Day, families usually 

[01:42.44]get together for a roast goose 

[01:44.74]or turkey dinner served 

[01:46.93]with mashed potatoes, gravy, 

[01:49.33]cranberry sauce, and pie 

[01:51.30]or pudding for dessert. 

[01:53.60]Grownups will pour a glass 

[01:56.33]or two of wine or other spirits. 

[01:58.52]Together, families will openly 

[02:01.91]exchange gifts and gratitude. 

[02:04.98]Children, including cousins, nieces 

[02:08.04]and nephews, often kneel on the floor 

[02:11.10]in front of the tree, 

[02:12.96]excitedly trying to find presents 

[02:14.93]with their names on them. 

[02:17.34]On that day, warm receptions 

[02:20.29]are extended to everyone, 

[02:22.70]friend or stranger.
