【英语时差8,16】蟑螂对抗全球变暖: 谁是赢家? -上(在线收听

 In our last Moment of Science we heard how cockroaches can survive much higher doses of radiation than humans can. But did you know that cockroaches also have a special ability that could allow them to survive some of the consequences of global warming? Insects breathe through small pores located along their body. These small openings, called spiracles, act like valves, and can open or close to regulate the movement of fresh air in, or exhaled breath out of the insect’s body. When we are breathing through our nostrils or mouths, we lose water as we exhale the humid air from our respiratory system. Cockroaches have the same problem-losing water as they breathe. Scientists have known for some time that cockroaches can hold their breath by tightly shutting their spiracles for up to forty minutes at a time.
