音乐咖啡厅:Weight Of The World:Evanescence(在线收听

恩雅(Enya)之后, 便只有爱尔兰女歌手美芙(Meav)有如此纯净完美的女声了,甚至有的人认为美芙(Meav)与恩雅相比,美芙(Meav)的声音在纯净中多了几分柔媚与迷离,更增添了一份迷人的韵致,被誉为“嗓音美妙至极,唱工无与伦比”。
  美芙(Meav)的首张专辑《美芙的祈祷》在欧美及亚洲广受欢迎,美似天籁的歌声让人触骨销魂,而风笛、手摇风琴、竖笛等极具爱尔兰特点的乐器编配,尽现出爱尔兰高地独特的景致。她通透辽远、深厚饱满的声音让发烧友迷恋。其中《Since You And I Were True 》和《One I Love》(点击收听)是其中非常好听的。


Since You And I Were True  Meav
We might as well lie down, love,   Lie down and close our eyes
We might as well go walking,   In the country of the blind
The long grass is grown,   And all the birds flown
To their homes away in the blue,   And nothing's left the same
The whole world is changed,   Since you and I were true

And how can a story be ended,   When it didn't hardly begin
How can my glass be so empty,   When it's filled up to the brim?
And it wasn't always so,   It didn't always go
We had something better to do,   And it didn't always rain
Every single day,  When you and I were true

In a country where we are headed, love
There is nothing but rocks and stones
No friendly plant or animal,    No angel to guide you home
Until some day you'll find,    In the country of the blind  
Some wonder just like you,    And the singing of a bird
That nobody has heard,    Since you and I were true

We might as well lie down, love,   Lie down and close our eyes
We might as well go walking,   In the country of the blind
The long grass is grown,    And all the birds flown
To their homes away in the blue,   And nothing's left the same
The whole world is changed,  Since you and I were

Noteas well 倒不如, 还是...的好  brim n.边缘,溢满
