【英语时差8,16】话说地道美语 Lesson 22(5)之一(在线收听

You've stop feeling yourself and get a .
第一、含有have表示“必须”“不得不”的短语是have got to,这个短语常常为美国人使用。I have got to see my uncle with my parents. 我得和爸爸、妈妈去看望我叔叔。what I have got to say is there is a real difference here. 我要说的就是,我们在这一点有很大不同。
第二、“自怜自叹”的说法很简单,就是feel sorry for oneself。One night, while he was sitting at home feeling very sorry for himself, there came a knock on the door. 有一天晚上,他正坐在家里自叹自怜,这时门上响起了敲门声。If a child lives with pity, he learns to feel sorry for himself. 如果生活在怜悯之中,孩子学会自卑。
此外,还有一个介词短语可以表示“自怜自叹”,它是in self-pity。例如:Instead of wallowing in self-pity they should do something positive to improve their situation.与其终日自叹自怜,他们应该做一些积极的事情改善自己的处境。
Feel sorry for有“对......同情”“对......感到遗憾(或者是惋惜)”“对......感到抱歉”的意思。我们来看这下面的例句:I feel sorry for whoever marries him! 谁嫁给他我都替她感到惋惜。I feel sorry for anyone who has to drive in this sort of weather. 我很同情在这种天气还得开车的人。I do feel sorry for him. 我真为他难过。
第三、get a grip这个短语的运用,在第一讲中已经讲得很详细了,在此就不过讲了。