

Pope Francis has a full schedule alone in Kenya. To ensure the pope is properly attired, the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops asked the Dolly Craft Sewing Project to make the pope's vestments, the garments he will wear during the various ceremonies.

教宗方济各的肯尼亚之行安排得相当紧凑。为了保证方济各衣装得体,肯尼亚天主教堂要求“Dolly Craft”为教宗出席各个场合制作法衣。

Sarah Ndungu shows the two chasubles they made for the Pope,one featuring Masaai beadwork, and another more traditional one.


I would like him to choose this one, with the African touch.


Alice Ngundi was asked to make the chasuble with Sister Ida Lagonegro. It took four days to design and construct.


I just looked at that material and I saw that I can make something African, yeah, so I designed something which was helped by sister. And we came together, me and her and we brought out something nice.


The workshop was also asked to make the majority of the clothing for clergy attending papal functions in Kenya that includes 60 chasubles , 615 albs and 2000 stoles.


The 30 or so workers have been stitching, embroidering and ironing about 14 hours a day, 6 days a week, since the beginning of October.


But Ndungu says the extra work is worth it.


And even when we are doing it, we are doing it with a good heart because we have never had such an opportunity.


The pope is scheduled to visit their community, Kangemi, on his last day in Nairobi.


And maybe someone will tell him, these are the people who made for you the vestment, maybe, so that at least he will send his blessing. That is what we wish.



But even if this wish doesn't come true, these tailors are proud to have dressed the pope.

