澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-01-08(在线收听

 There are reports this morning. The bushfire has destroyed multiple homes and local police station and a pub in the Western Australian town of Yarloo. Bushfire conditions have worsened in the past few hours. And an emergency warning remains in place for five towns, 100 kilometers south of Perth. The local MP Murray Cowper says Yarloo residents are reporting wild spread damage in that town.

Fire came down the hill...hundreds of reports of lost home, the public area and a number of other city buildings.
French authorities have shot dead the suspect terrorist armed with knife for he tried to enter a Paris police station. The man was reportedly wearing a fake suicide vest and shout God is great in Arabic before he was killed. Incident happened short time after then. President Francois Hollande paid tribute to the victims of Charlie Hebdo attack, which is one year ago. 
Police have suspended the night coming in suburb in Melbourne's west for the weapon yet stabbed four people yesterday. A man and two women were seriously injured in Sunshine. Another man is under police guard in hospital with minor injuries.
Global share market have fallen sharply and meet concerns about the Chinese economy. Short time ago the Dow was trading around 200 points lower. Volatility is likely to continue today when China plans to remove the mechanism that closes the market if share prices fall too far.