【闲聊】天气-Weather (1)(在线收听

A: It's an ugly day today.今天天气真糟糕啊。
B: I know. I think it may rain.嗯,我想可能要下雨了吧。
A: It's the middle of summer, it shouldn't rain today.现在是仲夏,今天不应该下雨的啊。
B: That would be weird.真是奇怪。
A: Yeah, especially since it's ninety degrees outside.对啊,尤其是今天外面都90度的高温呢。
B: I know, it would be horrible if it rained and it was hot outside.嗯,如果外面这么热,又下雨,一定糟糕透了。
A: Yes, it would be.对啊,是啊。
B: I really wish it wasn't so hot every day. 我真希望每天不会这么热。
A: Me too. I can't wait until winter.我也是,真迫不及待得想过冬天。
B: I like winter too, but sometimes it gets too cold.我也喜欢冬天,但是有时天气很冷。
A: I'd rather be cold than hot.我宁愿天气冷点,也不喜欢热。
B:Me too.我也是。