【大学生活】归还过期书籍-Returning Overdue Books(在线收听

A: Can you help me with returning my late books?
B: This is the right spot to pay your fee. Put your books down right here.
A: OK, here they are.
B: I can see that you owe 25 cents a day. That will be one dollar and fifty cents total.
A: OK, here's the money.
B: We are interested in getting our books back; so as long as all the fines are paid off by the end of the semester, you will be fine. Does that make sense?
A: I'm not sure.
B: Your registration and transcripts can be held up if there is an outstanding fine.
A: Now I understand.
B: Well, you can always keep your late fees down by using the night drop if we are closed. Enjoy the library!