美国有线新闻 CNN 2016-1-22(在线收听

 Start with the anouncement from the US supreme court ,it is going to decide the fate of President obama of executive  action on imigrantion,he anounced the action in 2014,it would allowed around 5 million people who in us illegally to stay without the threat being deported.They be allowed to apply for work progam and other benifit as long as they pay taxes.  The Obama ministration argues that this is legal action in line with those of previous presidents on immigration,but executive orders don't go throught the congress. and none has ever impacted these many people before, so critics argue that  the president went too far in making  this laws without congress approval.  26 states block law suits aginst president Obama's action holding it up in court,the supreme court  final say could come later this year. 

Voter in Asian Island of taiwan,recently do two things they'v never done before,1,they elected the female president ,2 they dared to defeat to a political party that support China. and give power to an oppsition party that's never controlled the island's legislature before. ???why that signifacant in the moment,couple things about taiwan it is about hundrend miles from chiese mainland, nationalist fled there after china came under communist rule in 1949 .Today the island  has multiple party democracy ,the newly elected leader is the  head of the opposition. Caiyingwen,the leader of democracy progress party  ,or  DPP ,not BPP. has traditionally leant to seek her indenpendence , a highly contensive issue with China, which views taiwan as a renegade  breakaway province which could be taken back by force if necessary ,but Cai is viewed as a pragmatic leader who  is likely to maintain improve relation with China .In November, leaders in both side met the first time since a civil war drew them apart more than 6 decades ago. the future of taiwan  decades-long issues with China will always frame the political party ?? ,but the hardest issues is economy.The new president will be taken on sludges road  as weakening global mass exports , That's already forcing taiwan tend on increasing trade tax on China  as economy increasingly depended on its biggest business partner. for critics say the increase will only favor taiwan's walfare a little, and have not  help to improve stagnating wages. So what are say, apart from improving the finacial future, taiwan's 23 millions residents, the new leadership faces a tough battle to find a way to work with China, whilel satisfying the demands of the increasing organized  younger generation