

Far right supporters and football hooligans smashed shop windows and damaged cars in the eastern city of Leipzig in the early hours of Tuesday.


The rampage began around the same time that 2,000 supporters of the anti-Islamic PEGIDA movement demonstrated nearby, carrying signs with slogans like "Freedom for Germany."


German Justice Minister Heiko Maas Tuesday outlined tougher deportation laws for anyone convicted of certain crimes, including sexual assault.


Police have recorded more than 500 criminal complaints from New Year's Eve, almost half of which involved sexual assault.


“Trying to spread this message that we told you. So we told you that it was unacceptable to have these people. We told you that it was a danger to have these people. We told you they were coming from different traditions, different cultures, and they couldn’t understand our values.”


German Chancellor Angela Merkel defended her policy of accepting over a million refugees.


We know that since the terrible events of that night in Cologne, for integration to work, society needs to be open; but, she said, the refugees also need to be willing to follow the country's rules and values.



In a series of revenge attacks on foreigners in Cologne, six Pakistanis, two Syrians and three men from Guinea were injured.

