【日常生活】照看狗狗-Caring for Puppies(在线收听

A: Did you feed the puppies today?你今天喂狗了吗?
B: Yes, I have.喂了。
A: That's good! Just make sure to bathe them later.嗯,很好,别忘了一会给它们洗澡。
B: No problem. I can do that for you.没问题,我会为你去做这些的。
A: Thank you! You know they have to go to the vet on Saturday?谢谢,你知道它们周六需要去看兽医吗?
B: I know. What time do they go?我知道,它们什么时间去?
A: Their appointment is at eleven o'clock in the morning.约在上午11点钟。
B: Okay, I won't forget.好的,我不会忘的。