
   Dieting isn’t always easy, particularly if you have a sweet tooth. But by adding strawberries to your diet, you can enjoy a range of guilt-free dishes, drinks and snacks any time of day. Best of all, strawberries are low in calories, high in fiber, fat-free and feature a wide range of additional health benefits.

  Here are some of the amazing benefits of strawberries you can enjoy:
  1.Strawberries have anti-aging properties草莓有抗衰老的特性
  As we age, our bodies produce less collagen and this leads to lines and wrinkles. The Vitamin C found in strawberries is important in the production of collagen. Strawberries also contain anti-inflammatory enzymes and antioxidants which help slow the rate that skin ages.
  2.Strawberries promote bone health
  When looking to boost our health, it’s easy to forget about our bones but as we age, our bone density reduces. Strawberries contain a range of nutrients that can improve bone health including Vitamin C, potassium, Vitamin K and magnesium.
  3.Strawberries improve short-term memory
  Strawberries aren’t just good for our bodies, they’re great for our brains too. In an article published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers found that the high levels of antioxidants in fruits such as strawberries can boost memory and protect against mental decline.
  4.Strawberries boost immunity
  Busy lives, stress, and a poor diet are just some of the things that can weaken our immune system. The problem is, if our immune system isn’t working properly we become susceptible to illnesses. If you feel constantly under the weather, a weakened immune system could be to blame. The good news is that strawberries are a great source of Vitamin C which helps protect the immune system.
  5.Strawberries provide energy
  We need healthy meals and snacks throughout the day to maintain energy levels. Strawberries are a great choice when it comes to fighting fatigue as they contain nitrate to promote healthy blood flow.
  6.Strawberries can boost your libido
  It’s true, strawberries really can make us feel more romantic. The luscious fruit was even used in a traditional soup served to newlyweds in 13thcentury France. What a great reason to start eating more strawberries!
  7.Strawberries can reduce the risk of heart attack草莓可以减少患心脏病的风险
  A study conducted by The Harvard School of Public Health in the US and the University of East Anglia in the UK analyzed the diets of over 93,000 women aged 25 to 42. The researchers found that eating three servings of strawberries or blueberries per week could reduce the risk of a heart attack by 32 per cent.
  一项由哈佛大学公共卫生学院在美国和英国东安格利亚大学的分析的研究,其研究了超过93000名25 - 42岁女性的饮食。研究人员发现,每周吃三份草莓或蓝莓可以减少32%的心脏病发作风险。
  8.Strawberries help burn stored fat
  When the body stores more fat than it burns, it leads to weight gain. However, antioxidants found in strawberries can increase the body’s metabolic rate so the body burns fat rather than storing it. The Vitamin C in strawberries also plays an important role in maintaining a healthy metabolism to aid weight loss.
  Another fat-burning compound found in strawberries is anthocyanins – it’s this compound that gives strawberries their vibrant color. In a study published by The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, researchers discovered that when animals were fed anthocyanins alongside a high-fat diet, they gained 24 per cent less weight than animals that were not fed anthocyanins.