2016奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲提名 Manta Ray《竞速灭绝》(在线收听

《竞速灭绝》为《血色海湾》导演最新纪录片,科学家预测本世纪末将会有一半以上的物种从此消失,更进一步指出我们已经来到地球史上第六次大灭绝时刻,而人类正是引发第六次灭绝的因素。该部电影由海洋保护协会指导拍摄。J. Ralph 自创自唱电影原声《Manta Ray》,收录于电影原声专辑中,并被第88届奥斯卡金像奖提名为“最佳原创歌曲”。

In the trees
Between the leaves
All the growing
That we did

All the loving
And separating
All the turning
To face each other

I divide
In the sky
In the the seams
Between the beams

All the loving
And separating
All the turning
To face each other

Without biodiversity
I'm nothing
It's like I never

Without my home
With no reflection
I cease to exist

And my children
Are dying now
Inside me

All I love
All I know
All I've known

I am dying now
Inside me
My children
