【英语时差8,16】夜生活 : 看电影 -中(在线收听

"I'm inside London's and the UK's oldest cinema, The Electric, in the west of London. It's very grand in here with gold and cream walls and red velvet carpets. And I'm really looking forward to enjoying a night at the movies. " Andrea: Well, it was very grand with lots of gold and red velvet carpets. Not your average cinematic experience. "I can see why this is one of the places to watch a film in London. I'm stretched out on one of their double sofas and ready to watch the film. " Andrea: It was definitely luxurious and special. Luxurious means something is extremely comfortable and beautiful. But unfortunately, it's also very expensive to watch a film at The Electric cinema. Andrea: Well it's 30 pounds for a ticket for the sofa.