
 Accountants “People say Britain is run by accountants, is that true? ” Let’s find out. Here’s Alex MacDermot, who works for a charity. I wouldn’t say we are run by accountants, but they do an important job. In a sense it’s true, because all of the major decisions to do with government and the way that the country’s going is governed by affordability these days. So a lot of ideas are now scrutinised to see if they’re financially viable and I think that’s probably true. Yeah. Helen: So Julia agrees that accountants are responsible for the way in which Britain is being run at the moment. Now, I’m not sure how well Alex’s comment will go down with the accountants. Here he is describing what a typical accountant would be like. They’d be good with numbers, not willing to break the rules, fairly conservative, normally wearing a suit and a bowler hat I would suppose. Quite straight-laced people, quite boring people, that’s my perception anyway. Helen: That’s why trainee accountant Manpreet was keen to dispel the typical stereotype. Is he a boring person? Definitely not, because I’m doing my accountancy qualification and when I’m away from finance, I’m a DJ, I write poetry, I write lyrics to songs and I work for radio as well. So you know I’m an accountant and I try to be as creative as possible. So I think that is… that’s not true. Helen: So this shows that people need to change their perception of accountants.
