世界名人简介 第9期:朝青龙(在线收听

 Asashoryu is a sumo grand champion and one of the most successful sumo fighters in history. His real name is Dolgorsurengiin Dagvadorj; Asashoryu is his fighting name. He was born in Mongolia in 1980 and is the first Mongolian to reach sumo’s top position of yokozuna, which means grand champion. He is also the most successful non-Japanese ever to enter the sumo ring.

朝青龙荣获了相扑界的冠军(横纲),他也是历史上最成功的相扑选手。他的真名叫作Dolgorsurengiin Dagvadorj;朝青龙是他在相扑界的名字。1980年,朝青龙出生于蒙古,他也是蒙古国首个荣获横纲的相扑选手(总冠军)。他还是非日籍相扑选手中最成功的一位。
Asashoryu grew up with wrestling in his blood. His father and brothers are all fighters. He moved to Japanas an exchange student to study Japanese and quickly developed a passion and great talent for sumo. In 1999, he joined a leading sumo stable (team) and fought his way up through the ranks.
Asashoryu could well become the greatest sumo fighter ever. He is closing in on the all-time greats for the number of championships won. He holds the record for winning the most fights in one year. In 2005 he wonan impressive 84 out of 90 fights and all six championships. Victory in the final tournament of 2004 meanthe won seven in a row – another record.
Asashoryu has a huge following, but he has also upset sumo’s traditionalists. Many people love him because he goes against the grain, but others say he’s bad for sumo. In 2007, he became the first yokozuna in history to be suspended from competition. He has a history of bad and unsportsmanlike behaviour. Regardless,he continues to create a lot of interest in the sport.
1.go against the grain 背道而驰
例句:To go against the grain, is to find your own way of life.
和别人背道而驰,寻找你自己生活的方式。 suspended from 终止
例句:They have opened investigations, reassigned personnel and have indicated that those responsible willbe suspended from their positions and in serious cases, prosecuted.
3.all-time 历来的
例句:In any case, market participants do not expect Japan to conduct actual intervention unless the dollar drops to an all-time low below 80 yen.
4.develope passion 产生兴趣
例句:Being influenced by his father, he developed passion for music and he has outstanding piano skills.