澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-03-14(在线收听


The Australian ambassador in turkey has had a narrow escape from a bomb blast killed 33 people in the capital Ankara, at least 75 others have been injured. The Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says the ambassador James Larson was only 20 meters from the bus stop where the car exploded.

"it was an appalling thing for him to witness, being so close, but he's fine. All our Austrian staff  are fine. we not aware of any foreigners being involved in the attack in Ankara."

Gunmen have opened fire on tourists at a beach resort in Grand Bassam on the Ivory coast killing at least 16 people. Local police say four of the dead are European tourists. Government officials say the 6 gunmen have been neutralized. A Gihad monitoring group says Al Qaeda affiliate has claimed responsibility for the attack in private messages.

New modeling has found a stand-alone public vote on same sex marriage could cost the Australian economy more than half a billion dollars. The accounting firm PWC says a plebiscite would cause nearly 300 million dollars of lost productivity on top of the 158-million-dollar cost for the electoral commission to run the vote.

And the master player of the Chinese game Go has finally conquered a computer after 4 attempts. The Google computer program defeated Lee Sedol in the first three games of the best of five competition. The creators of the Alfago systems say the loss has been invaluable in redesigning the computer.
