澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-04-09(在线收听


Hello everyone. The high is gonna maintain fine dry cool weather over the middle of the continent but showers and storms are expected at east of tropland on both sides of the country.

In Queensland just a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms over the southern interior. Showers are about the east coast but they are more likely up the north. We will see scattered showers about the northeast coastal ranges in New South Wales, the risk of the storms too.  Final partly cloudy inland and Sunday would be much the same. Victoria will have isolated showers near the southwest and south Gippsland coast. And that will extend inland over the southwest later in the day but dry and partly cloudy elsewhere. For Tasmania becoming very windy with Gale developing coast the south coast. There will showers about too, in the west, the north, the far south and on the Bass Strait islands. We will've the slight chance of showers about southeast parts of South Australia that are more likely west of Kangaroo Island and in the lower southeast coastal area, some morning fall patches too. And in the west storm could produce falls of up to 15 mm in central parts of the southwest land division. Activity to the north and also over the interior and the gold fields. we will see some showers about the southwest coast too. Very hot to the north Mudolba up to 42 by Monday, showers and storms as well. And over the N'Territory a cloudy day with showers and storms more likely upon the northeast coast.
