【跟着英剧练发音】Parades End E01 -14(在线收听


C- Christopher Tietjens

Mac- MacMaster


C: When the war comes, it'll blow right through it, thank God! 

Mac: War is impossible, at any rate with this country in it.

C: Is that what they said at your dinner with the Tories? In two years, round about the time of the grouse-shooting, there'll be a European war, with Britain plumb in the middle of it.

Mac: Ah, the Tietjens exactitude! Where's your evidence?

C: In the office.

Mac: It's late. We're expected at the Duchemin's breakfast - if you haven't been arrested.

C: I gave the policeman a £5 note from that swine of a Cabinet Minister, though I shouldn't call him that, he gave me dinner. Besides which, he's a decent fellow. So it's hands off the Wannop girl.
