
 Part I:单词与短语

luck n.运气;captain n.船长,队长,上尉;sail n.&v.船帆,航行;Portsmouth n.(英国港口城市)朴茨矛斯;harbor n.海港;famous adj.著名的;the Atlantic n.大西洋;set out(动词短语)动身,出发;plenty of time大量时间,充足的时间;be away离开;be proud of为。。。而骄傲;take part in(动词短语)参加;important adj.重要的;racen.&v.速度赛
Part II:语法学习
示例1:Captain Alison will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.(因为明天才发生,所以用将来时)
示例2:We will meet him at the harbor early in the morning.(明天一大早与其会面,所以用将来时)
示例3:He will be in his small boat.(因为是明天一大早的事情,所以用将来时)
示例4:Captain Alison will set out at eight o’clock.(是明天早上8点,所以,用将来时)
示例5:We will have plenty of time.(也是明天早上的事情,所以用将来时)
示例6:We will see his boat.(也是明天要做的事情,所以用将来时)
示例7:We’ll say goodbye to him.(也是明天要做的事情,所以用将来时)
示例8:He will be away for two months.(因为是从他明天离开算起,所以用将来时)
示例9:He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.(因为是明天出发参加比赛,所以用将来时)
第二,当will不能满足某些更精细化的表达需要时,be going to结构诞生了,增加了一定的计划性。
示例1:I’m going to sleep early tonight.(当然可以用will go to sleep,但没有这里的计划性强)
示例2:I’m going to help do the work after I’m finished with him.(当然可以用will help do the work,但没有这里的计划性,或打算性)
第三,当be going to形式又不能满足更更精细的计划或打算的表达要求时,用现在进行时表示将来的作法就应运而生了。
示例1:I’m afraid I can’t come tomorrow, for I’m having dinner with President Hu Jintao.(与胡主席共进晚餐岂是小事情!有这样的机会还不知道双方计划了多久了呢!所以,只能用一种超常的形式才能表达这种强烈的计划性!)
示例2:I won’t be able to come to work tomorrow, for I’m getting married.(结婚岂是小事情!如此人生大事还不知道是几年前就确定好了的呢!)
第四,当will实在无法体现某件事情就要发生的紧迫性的时候,be about to…形式便出现了。
示例1:Run! It’s about to explode!(一颗炸弹马上就要爆炸!看到这种情况,紧迫不紧迫?那怎么办呢?不管怎样,will explode是怎么也不够了!)
示例2:Let’s run inside that hut! It’s about to rain!(假如看到乌云密布,雷声阵阵,闪电忽忽!马上就要下雨了!紧迫不紧迫?那就用be about to…形式)
第五,当will实在无法去体现人们一种沉痛或者坚决或者恶狠狠的状态时,be to形式又诞生了!
示例1:His house was burnt down last night. We are to help him and his family!(朋友遭受了巨大不幸,我们心情沉重吧?我们想表达一种沉痛和坚决的感情,will不够啊,怎么办?用be to形式吧)
示例2:You have completely ruined my plan! You are to die!(对方毁了自己的计划,恨不恨?当然恨了!那么要表达一种极度的报复怎么办?不能用will了,因为不够劲!那就用be to结构吧!)
示例1:Flight ASK202 arrives at Pudong International Airport at 2:10 p.m. tomorrow.(虽是明天下午到,但是按照规定时间到的,所以,一般现在时就够了)
示例2:Train T505 leaves at 18:30 tomorrow evening.(虽是明天晚上出发,但时刻表就是这么定的,所以不能随便更改!因此,用一般现在时就表示了)
Part III:综合训练
Our neighbor, Captain Charles Alison, (1) sail from Portsmouth tomorrow (2) we’ll meet him (3) the harbor early (4) the morning. He (5) be in his small boat, Topsail, a famous little boat, (6) has (7 sail) across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison (8) set (9) (10) eight o’clock, (11) we shall have plenty (12) time. We’ll see his boat (13) then we’ll say goodbye (14) him, (15) he will be away (16) two months. We are very proud (17) him, (18) he will take part (19) an important race (20) the Atlantic.
(1) will; (2) and; (3) at; (4) in; (5) will; (6) which; (7) sailed; (8) will; (9) out//off; (10) at; (11) so; (12) of; (13) and; (14) to; (15) for; (16) for; (17) of; (18) for; (19) in; (20) across
Part IV:句型转换
1. Our neighbor, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We’ll meet him at the harbor early in the morning.
2. He will be in his small boat, Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.
3. Captain Alison will set out at eight o’clock. We shall have plenty of time.
4. We’ll see his boat. We’ll say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months.(添加then)
5. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.
1. Our neighbor, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow and we’ll meet him at the harbor early in the morning.
2. He will be in his small boat, Topsail, a famous little boat, which has sailed across the Atlantic many times.
3. Captain Alison will set out at eight o’clock, so we shall have plenty of time.
4. We’ll see his boat and then we’ll say goodbye to him, for he will be away for two months.
5. We are very proud of him, for he will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.