
 Hillary Clinton claimed the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, which would make her the first woman to represent a major party in the race for the White House.

Her democratic rival, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, won North Dakota and Montana Tuesday, but Clinton won South Dakota, New Mexico, and New Jersey.
Clinton also won the largest state in question, California, securing a majority of its 475 delegates.
President Obama called both candidates Tuesday, congratulating Secretary Clinton for securing the necessary delegates to secure the nomination. He also thanked Senator Sanders for mobilizing millions of Americans and bringing attention to issues such as fighting economic inequality.
Sanders told supporters in California that he called Secretary Clinton Tuesday evening to congratulate her. He spoke about working together to defeat Trump, but did not acknowledge Clinton's presumptive nomination and gave no indication that he intended to concede, vowing to "continue the fight".
California results are not yet available. Clinton will not be the party's official nominee until the voting at the Democratic convention in July.