

Peshmerga commanders say they their weapons are just not good enough.


"Out of four heavy machine guns on the front line, usually just one of them is working, when one is broken, we fix it, then another one breaks down and we have to fix that, over and over.


Even our light weapons are old."


The fighters say Baghdad is not sending them what they need.


The U.S. Defense Department denies there's a problem.


"We continue to work through the government of Iraq and Prime Minister Abadi, and there's been no problem in getting materiel that has been approved and equipment to the Peshmerga forces through that format.


And we think that is the appropriate way to continue."


The United States, France, and Germany have provided the Peshmerga with weapons, ammunition and money for salaries.

美国、法国和德国为 “自由斗士”提供武器,弹药及金钱支持。

But the Peshmerga want more.


"They need to provide us with more modern equipment, night vision goggles, heavy machine guns, armored cars."


But there are concerns that in heavily arming the Peshmerga, this could become the front line of their fight for independence from Baghdad too.

但有人担心,如果“自由斗士” 全副武装,他们为解放巴格达而进行的战争可能会让他们身处战争的第一线。
